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Transaction Builder

The TransactionBuilder class is used to build and send transactions to the chain.

Use the .programId property to get the ID of the program that is used in the transaction.

Methods to Build and Send the Transaction


The withAccount method sets the account that is sending the message. It accepts either a KeyringPair instance or an address with signerOptions.

Example using a KeyringPair instance:

import { Keyring } from '@polkadot/api';
const keyring = new Keyring({ type: 'sr25519' });
const pair = keyring.addFromUri('//Alice');

// Set the account using the KeyringPair instance

Example using an address and signer options (commonly used on the frontend with a connected wallet):

// This case is mostly used on the frontend with a connected wallet.
import { web3FromSource, web3Accounts } from '@polkadot/extension-dapp';

// Retrieve all accounts from the wallet extension
const allAccounts = await web3Accounts();
const account = allAccounts[0];

// Get the injector for the account's source
const injector = await web3FromSource(account.meta.source);

// Set the account address and signer in the transaction
transaction.withAccount(account.address, { signer: injector.signer });


The withValue method sets the value (amount) to be sent with the message.


// Set the value to 10 VARA
transaction.withValue(BigInt(10 * 1e12));


The calculateGas method calculates the gas limit of the transaction. Optionally, you can provide two arguments:

  • The first argument, allowOtherPanics, determines whether panics in other programs are allowed to be triggered. It is set to false by default.
  • The second argument, increaseGas, is the percentage to increase the gas limit. It is set to 0 by default.


// Calculate gas limit with default options
await transaction.calculateGas();

// Calculate gas limit allowing other panics and increasing gas limit by 10%
await transaction.calculateGas(true, 10);


The withGas method manually sets the gas limit of the transaction. This can be used instead of the calculateGas method.


// Set the gas limit manually


The withVoucher method sets the voucher ID to be used for the transaction.


const voucherId = '0x...'; // Replace with actual voucher ID


The transactionFee method retrieves the transaction fee.


const fee = await transaction.transactionFee();
console.log('Transaction fee:', fee.toString());


The signAndSend method sends the transaction to the chain. This method returns an object containing:

  • msgId: the ID of the sent message.
  • txHash: the transaction hash.
  • blockHash: the hash of the block in which the message is included.
  • isFinalized: a function to check if the transaction is finalized.
  • response: a function that can be used to get the response from the program.

The response function returns a promise with the response from the program. If an error occurs during message execution, the promise will be rejected with the error message.


const { msgId, blockHash, txHash, response, isFinalized } = await transaction.signAndSend();

console.log('Message ID:', msgId);
console.log('Transaction hash:', txHash);
console.log('Block hash:', blockHash);

// Check if the transaction is finalized
const finalized = await isFinalized;
console.log('Is finalized:', finalized);

// Get the response from the program
try {
const result = await response();
console.log('Program response:', result);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error executing message:', error);