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Client Generation

The sails-js-cli is a command-line tool designed to generate TypeScript client libraries from Sails IDL files. It automates the creation of fully functional client libraries based on the interfaces defined in the Sails framework, streamlining development and ensuring consistency between client and on-chain programs.


To install the sails-js-cli package globally, run the following command:

npm install -g sails-js-cli

Alternatively, you can use npx to run the command without installing the package:

npx sails-js-cli command ...args

Generating a TypeScript Client Library Using an IDL File

To generate a TypeScript client library, run the following command:

sails-js generate path/to/sails.idl -o path/to/out/dir

If you want to avoid global installation, use npx:

npx sails-js-cli generate path/to/sails.idl -o path/to/out/dir

To generate only the lib.ts file without the full project structure, use the --no-project flag:

sails-js generate path/to/sails.idl -o path/to/out/dir --no-project

Using the Generated Library

Creating an Instance

First, connect to the chain using @gear-js/api:

import { GearApi } from '@gear-js/api';

const api = await GearApi.create();

For further details, refer to the Gear-JS API section. Next, import the Program class from the generated file and create an instance:

import { Program } from './lib';

const program = new Program(api);

// If the program is already deployed, provide its ID
const programId = '0x...';
const program = new Program(api, programId);

The Program class includes all the functions defined in the IDL file.

Methods of the Program Class

The Program class contains several types of methods:

  • Query methods
  • Message methods
  • Constructor methods
  • Event subscription methods

Query Methods

Query methods are used to query the program's state. These methods accept the required arguments for the function call and return the result. Additionally, they accept optional parameters: originAddress (the caller's account address, defaulting to a zero address if not provided), value (an optional amount of tokens for function execution), and atBlock (to query the program state at a specific block).

const alice = '0xd43593c715fdd31c61141abd04a99fd6822c8558854ccde39a5684e7a56da27d';
const result = await program.serviceName.queryFnName(arg1, arg2, alice);

Message Methods

Message methods are used to send messages to the program. These methods accept the required arguments for sending the message and return a Transaction Builder, which contains methods for building and sending the transaction.

const transaction = program.serviceName.functionName(arg1, arg2);

// ## Set the account sending the message

// Using a KeyringPair instance
import { Keyring } from '@polkadot/api';
const keyring = new Keyring({ type: 'sr25519' });
const pair = keyring.addFromUri('//Alice');

// Or using an address and signer options (common in frontend applications with connected wallets)
import { web3FromSource, web3Accounts } from '@polkadot/extension-dapp';
const allAccounts = await web3Accounts();
const account = allAccounts[0];
const injector = await web3FromSource(account.meta.source);
transaction.withAccount(account.address, { signer: injector.signer });

// ## Set the value of the message
transaction.withValue(BigInt(10 * 1e12)); // 10 VARA

// ## Calculate gas
// Optionally, you can provide two arguments:
// The first argument, `allowOtherPanics`, either allows or forbids panics in other programs (default: false).
// The second argument, `increaseGas`, is the percentage to increase the gas limit (default: 0).
await transaction.calculateGas();

// Alternatively, use `withGas` to set the gas limit manually:

// ## Send the transaction
// `signAndSend` returns the message ID, block hash, and a `response` function for retrieving the program's response.
const { msgId, blockHash, response } = await transaction.signAndSend();
const result = await response();

Constructor Methods

Constructor methods, postfixed with CtorFromCode and CtorFromCodeId in the Program class, are used to deploy the program on the chain. These methods accept either the Wasm code bytes or the code ID and return a Transaction Builder just like message methods.

const code = fs.readFileSync('path/to/program.wasm');
// Or use the fetch function to retrieve the code in frontend environments
const transaction = program.newCtorFromCode(code);

// The same methods as message methods can be used to build and send the transaction.

Event Subscription Methods

Event subscription methods allow subscribing to specific events emitted by the program.

program.subscribeToSomeEvent((data) => {

Example: The Demo Project

The following example demonstrates how the generated lib.ts can be used in conjunction with @gear-js/api to upload a WASM binary of an application to the chain, create and submit a service command to the deployed application, and receive its response. This example is part of the Sails GitHub repository and can be viewed here. Although the project includes multiple services, this example focuses on interacting with the pingPong service. The relevant portion of the IDL looks like this:

service PingPong {
Ping : (input: str) -> result (str, str);

The script first initializes the GearApi and creates a keyring to retrieve Alice’s account using the @polkadot/api library, which is used for signing transactions. It then reads the compiled WASM application and deploys it to the network using newCtorFromCode from the generated lib.ts, which creates a TransactionBuilder for constructing the deployment transaction. After deployment, the script interacts with the program by invoking the ping function from the pingPong service, constructing and sending a new transaction. Finally, the program's reply is awaited and logged to the console.

import { GearApi } from '@gear-js/api';
import { Keyring } from '@polkadot/api';
import { Program } from './lib.js';
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';

const main = async () => {
const api = await GearApi.create();
const keyring = new Keyring({ type: 'sr25519', ss58Format: 137 });

const alice = keyring.addFromUri('//Alice');

const program = new Program(api);

// Deploy the program

const code = readFileSync('../../target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/demo.opt.wasm');

const ctorBuilder = await program.newCtorFromCode(code, null, null).withAccount(alice).calculateGas();
const { blockHash, msgId, txHash } = await ctorBuilder.signAndSend();

`\nProgram deployed. \n\tprogram id ${program.programId}, \n\tblock hash: ${blockHash}, \n\ttx hash: ${txHash}, \n\tinit message id: ${msgId}`,

// Call the program

const pingBuilder = await'ping').withAccount(alice).calculateGas();
const { blockHash: blockHashPing, msgId: msgIdPing, txHash: txHashPing, response } = await pingBuilder.signAndSend();

`\nPing message sent. \n\tBlock hash: ${blockHashPing}, \n\ttx hash: ${txHashPing}, \n\tmessage id: ${msgIdPing}`,
const reply = await response();
console.log(`\nProgram replied: \n\t${JSON.stringify(reply)}`);

.then(() => process.exit(0))
.catch((error) => {