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Vara is very easy to write code for! Let's look at the minimal program.

The code of the program is in the src/ file. The program replies with Pong string if the sender sent Ping message to it. It also saves how many times a user sent a ping message to the program. So, the program contains:

  • message log definition:
static mut MESSAGE_LOG: Vec<String> = vec![];
  • entry point handle:
extern fn handle() {
let new_msg: String = msg::load().expect("Unable to create string");

if new_msg == "PING" {
msg::reply_bytes("PONG", 0).expect("Unable to reply");

unsafe {

debug!("{:?} total message(s) stored: ", MESSAGE_LOG.len());

for log in &MESSAGE_LOG {
  • state function that allows to read the program state:
extern fn state() {
msg::reply(unsafe { MESSAGE_LOG.clone() }, 0)
.expect("Failed to encode or reply with `<AppMetadata as Metadata>::State` from `state()`");

The io crate defines the program metadata.


use gmeta::{InOut, Metadata, Out};
use gstd::prelude::*;

pub struct DemoPingMetadata;

impl Metadata for DemoPingMetadata {
type Init = ();
type Handle = InOut<String, String>;
type Others = ();
type Reply = ();
type Signal = ();
type State = Out<Vec<String>>;

The DemoPingMetadata struct is used in in order to generate meta.txt file:

use ping_io::DemoPingMetadata;

fn main() {

The state is the independent crate for reading the program state. It depends on the ping-io crate where the type of the program state is defined:


use gstd::prelude::*;

pub mod metafns {
pub type State = Vec<String>;

pub fn get_first_message(state: State) -> String {
state.first().expect("Message log is empty!").to_string()

pub fn get_last_message(state: State) -> String {
state.last().expect("Message log is empty!").to_string()

pub fn get_messages_len(state: State) -> u64 {
state.len() as u64

pub fn get_message(state: State, index: u64) -> String {
.get(index as usize)
.expect("Invalid index!")

In the tests directory, you can see an example of testing the program using gclient and gtest. For more details about testing Vara programs, refer to the Program Testing article.