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Running Gear Node in Dev Net Mode

Dev net is helpful for the development and debugging of programs. It allows direct upload of programs to a local node, sending messages to programs, and validating program logic.

To run the Vara node in dev net mode:

  1. Compile or download the nightly build for the operating system as described in Setting Up.
  2. Run the node in dev mode (assuming the executable is in the /usr/bin directory):
gear --dev
  1. Follow and connect to a local dev node. Click network selection via the left top button, choose Development -> Local node, and click the Switch button. Use the Idea portal for sending messages, reading the program's state, etc.
  2. To purge any existing dev chain state, use:
gear purge-chain --dev
  1. To start a dev chain with detailed logging, use:
RUST_LOG=debug RUST_BACKTRACE=1 gear -lruntime=debug --dev