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An escrow is a special wallet to which certain assets (e.g., money or stocks) are deposited and stored until specific conditions are met. In terms of programs, an escrow is a wallet stored on a blockchain that, like a traditional escrow, can receive assets (e.g., cryptocurrency or fungible tokens, such as Vara fungible tokens - VFT in this example) from one user and, when certain conditions are met, send them to another.

How to run

This video demonstrates how to configure and run Escrow application on your own and explains the user interaction workflow:

⚒️ Build program

🏗️ Upload Сode

This application requires code to create an escrow wallet

  1. You can uploade code using
  2. In the network selector choose Vara Network Testnet or Development (in this case, you should have a local node running)
  3. Upload code escrow.opt.wasm from /target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/

🖥️ Run UI

  1. Install packages as described in frontend/
  2. Configure .evn file. Specify network address and code ID like in the example below:
  1. Run app
yarn start


This article explains at a superficial level the purpose and logic of this program. The source code of the program example is available on GitHub.


  • Any user can create an escrow wallet as a buyer or seller.
  • A buyer can make a deposit or confirm a deal and close the wallet.
  • A seller can refund tokens from a paid wallet to a buyer.
  • Both the buyer and the seller can cancel a deal and close an unpaid wallet.

An escrow wallet contains information about a buyer, a seller, the wallet state, and the amount of tokens that this wallet can store:

pub struct Wallet {
/// A buyer.
pub buyer: ActorId,
/// A seller.
pub seller: ActorId,
/// A wallet state.
pub state: WalletState,
/// An amount of tokens that a wallet can have. **Not** a current amount on a wallet balance!
pub amount: u128,

WalletState is an enum that stores a current state of a wallet:

pub enum WalletState {



/// Initializes an escrow program.
pub struct InitEscrow {
/// Address of a fungible token program.
pub ft_program_id: ActorId,


/// An enum to send the program info about what it should do.
/// After a successful processing of this enum, the program replies with [`EscrowEvent`].
#[derive(Clone, Decode, Encode, TypeInfo)]
#[codec(crate = gstd::codec)]
#[scale_info(crate = gstd::scale_info)]
pub enum EscrowAction {
/// Creates one escrow wallet and replies with its ID.
/// # Requirements
/// * [`msg::source()`](gstd::msg::source) must be `buyer` or `seller` for this wallet.
/// * `buyer` or `seller` mustn't have the zero address.
/// On success, returns [`EscrowEvent::Created`].
Create {
/// A buyer.
buyer: ActorId,
/// A seller.
seller: ActorId,
/// An amount of tokens.
amount: u128,

/// Makes a deposit from a buyer to an escrow wallet
/// and changes wallet's [`WalletState`] to [`AwaitingConfirmation`](WalletState::AwaitingConfirmation).
/// Transfers tokens to an escrow wallet until a deal is confirmed (by [`EscrowAction::Confirm`]) or cancelled ([`EscrowAction::Cancel`]).
/// # Requirements
/// * [`msg::source()`](gstd::msg::source) must be a buyer for this wallet.
/// * Wallet mustn't be paid or closed (that is, wallet's [`WalletState`] must be [`AwaitingDeposit`](WalletState::AwaitingDeposit)).
/// On success, returns [`EscrowEvent::Deposited`].
/// A wallet ID.

/// Confirms a deal by transferring tokens from an escrow wallet
/// to a seller and changing wallet's [`WalletState`] to [`Closed`](WalletState::Closed).
/// Transfers tokens from an escrow wallet to a seller for this wallet.
/// # Requirements
/// * [`msg::source()`](gstd::msg::source) must be a buyer for this wallet.
/// * Wallet must be paid and unclosed (that is, wallet's [`WalletState`] must be [`AwaitingDeposit`](WalletState::AwaitingConfirmation)).
/// On success, returns [`EscrowEvent::Confirmed`].
/// A wallet ID.

/// Refunds tokens from an escrow wallet to a buyer
/// and changes wallet's [`WalletState`] back to [`AwaitingDeposit`](WalletState::AwaitingDeposit)
/// (that is, a wallet can be reused).
/// Refunds tokens from an escrow wallet to a buyer for this wallet.
/// # Requirements
/// * [`msg::source()`](gstd::msg::source) must be a seller for this wallet.
/// * Wallet must be paid and unclosed (that is, wallet's [`WalletState`] must be [`AwaitingDeposit`](WalletState::AwaitingConfirmation)).
/// On success, returns [`EscrowEvent::Refunded`].
/// A wallet ID.

/// Cancels a deal and closes an escrow wallet by changing its [`WalletState`] to [`Closed`](WalletState::Closed).
/// # Requirements
/// * [`msg::source()`](gstd::msg::source) must be a buyer or seller for this wallet.
/// * Wallet mustn't be paid or closed (that is, wallet's [`WalletState`] must be [`AwaitingDeposit`](WalletState::AwaitingDeposit)).
/// On success, returns [`EscrowEvent::Cancelled`].
/// A wallet ID.

/// Continues the transaction if it fails due to lack of gas
/// or due to an error in the token contract.
/// # Requirements:
/// * `transaction_id` should exists in `transactions` table;
/// When transaction already processed replies with [`EscrowEvent::TransactionProcessed`].
/// Identifier of suspended transaction.

Consistency of program states

The Escrow program interacts with the fungible token contract. Each transaction that modifies the states of the Escrow and the fungible token is stored in the state until it is completed. A user can finalize a pending transaction by sending a Continue message, indicating the transaction ID. The idempotency of the fungible token contract allows for the restarting of a transaction without causing duplicate changes, ensuring the state consistency of these two programs.

Program metadata and state

Metadata interface description:

pub struct EscrowMetadata;

impl Metadata for EscrowMetadata {
type Init = In<InitEscrow>;
type Handle = InOut<EscrowAction, EscrowEvent>;
type Others = ();
type Reply = ();
type Signal = ();
type State = Out<EscrowState>;

To display the full program state information, the state() function is used:

extern fn state() {
let escrow = unsafe { ESCROW.take().expect("Uninitialized Escrow state") };
msg::reply::<EscrowState>(escrow.into(), 0).expect("Failed to share state");

To display only necessary certain values from the state, you need to write a separate crate. In this crate, specify functions that will return the desired values from the Escrow state. For example - gear-foundation/dapps-escrow/state:

pub mod metafns {
pub type State = EscrowState;

pub fn info(state: State, wallet_id: U256) -> Wallet {
let (_, wallet) = *state
.find(|(id, _)| id == &wallet_id)
.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Wallet with the {wallet_id} ID doesn't exist"));


pub fn created_wallets(state: State) -> Vec<(WalletId, Wallet)> {
.map(|(wallet_id, wallet)| (*wallet_id, *wallet))