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NFT Frontend Application

This guide explains how to create a React application and connect it to an extended NFT smart contract running in the blockchain.


  1. First install one of the templates. Install NodeJs and NPM. Make sure the latest LTS version of the NodeJs is installed.

  2. Then install dependencies:

yarn install
  1. There is an .env.example file. Create your own .env file and copy the contents of .env.example to your .env file. It contains the following variables:

    • VITE_NODE_ADDRESS: This variable defines the node we'll be working on.

    You have to add next varibles as well:

    • VITE_CONTRACT_ADDRESS: The address of the contract uploaded to the chain.
    • VITE_IPFS_ADDRESS and VITE_IPFS_GATEWAY_ADDRESS: These variables are needed when uploading and reading media files to IPFS

An example of environment variables is shown below:

  1. In a root consts.ts file, specify newly added environment variables:
const ADDRESS = {
NODE: import.meta.env.VITE_NODE_ADDRESS as string,
CONTRACT_ADDRESS: import.meta.env.VITE_CONTRACT_ADDRESS as `0x${string}`,
IPFS_ADDRESS: import.meta.env.VITE_IPFS_ADDRESS as string,
  1. Install kubo-rpc-client library to handle IPFS requests:
yarn add kubo-rpc-client

Next, create a context to integrate IPFS in a React-friendly way. In the context folder, create a file named index.tsx and add the following code:

import { create, KuboRPCClient } from "kubo-rpc-client";
import { createContext, ReactNode, useContext, useRef } from "react";
import { ADDRESS } from "@/consts";

type Props = {
children: ReactNode;

const IPFSContext = createContext({} as KuboRPCClient);

function IPFSProvider({ children }: Props) {
const ipfsRef = useRef(create({ url: ADDRESS.IPFS_ADDRESS }));
const { Provider } = IPFSContext;

return <Provider value={ipfsRef.current}>{children}</Provider>;

const useIPFS = () => useContext(IPFSContext);

export { IPFSProvider, useIPFS };

Include IPFSProvider in the providers array in the hocs/index.tsx file:

import { IPFSProvider } from '@/context';

const providers = [..., IPFSProvider];
  1. Build and upload the contract to the chain and set up the address in the .env file.

Place the extended_vnft.idl file in the api/sails folder and run sails-cli command:

npx sails-js-cli generate src/api/sails/extended_vnft.idl -o src/api/sails --no-project

Check the newly created lib.ts file and add the following two lines at the top:

/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
  1. Run the application:
yarn start
  1. The main file App.tsx is simple.

It checks whether the application is connected to the chain:

const { isApiReady } = useApi();

It checks whether the account is connected to the application through the web extension:

const { isAccountReady } = useAccount();
  1. If the api is ready and the account is connected, it displays the application's pages. Navigate to the pages folder. The project has only one page Home. The routing configuration is located in the pages/index.tsx file.

Create-NFT page

  1. Create a page for NFT creation using the code below:
mkdir src/pages/create-nft
touch src/pages/create-nft/CreateNft.tsx
  1. Start writing the CreateNft.tsx:
export function CreateNft() {
return <div>Create NFT</div>;
  1. Declare this page in the index.tsx file and also add the route for it:
import { CreateNft } from "./create-nft/CreateNft";

const routes = [
{ path: "/", Page: Home },
{ path: "/create-nft", Page: CreateNft },
  1. Create a link to the CreateNft page from the Header component. In the src\components\layout\header\Header.tsx file, write:
import { Link } from "react-router-dom";

function Header() {
return (
<header className={styles.header}>
<Logo />
<Link to="/create-nft">
<h3>Create NFT</h3>

export { Header };
  1. Go back to the CreateNft page. Create a form that includes the NFT title, description, and image:
import { Button, FileInput, Input } from "@gear-js/ui";

export function CreateNft() {
return (
<h2>Create NFT</h2>
<Input label="Name" required />
<Input label="Description" required />
<FileInput label="Image" required />
<Button type="submit" text="Create" />
  1. Create a state that will store the NFT's title, description, and image, and add the functions handleInputChange and handleImageChange that will update this state:
import { Button, FileInput, Input } from "@gear-js/ui";
import { useState } from "react";

const NftInitialState = {
title: "",
description: "",

export function CreateNft() {
const [nftForm, setNftForm] = useState(NftInitialState);
const [image, setImage] = useState<File | null>();
const { title, description } = nftForm;

const handleInputChange = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
const { name, value } =;
setNftForm((prevForm) => ({ ...prevForm, [name]: value }));

return (
<h2>Create NFT</h2>
<Input label="Name" required name="title" value={title} onChange={handleInputChange} />
<Input label="Description" required name="description" value={description} onChange={handleInputChange} />
<FileInput label="Image" onChange={setImage} />
<Button type="submit" text="Create" />
  1. Add the image preview for the uploaded image:
export function CreateNft() {
return (
<h2>Create NFT</h2>
<FileInput label="Image" onChange={setImage} />
{image ? (
style={{ width: 200, height: 200 }}
) : (
<p>No image set for this NFT</p>
<Button type="submit" text="Create" />

Upload image and mint NFT

  1. Next, upload the image to IPFS and send a Mint message to the contract.

Install the IPFS Desktop App.

  1. Navigate to Settings: Locate IPFS config: and configure the API of your node:
"API": {
"HTTPHeaders": {
"Access-Control-Allow-Methods": [
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": [
  1. Now you can upload the files from the application. Start writing the function:
import { useIPFS } from "@/context";
export function CreateNft() {
const ipfs = useIPFS();
const createNft = async (e: React.FormEvent<HTMLFormElement>) => {

if (image) {
try {
const cid = await ipfs.add(image);
} catch (error) {
  1. Continue writing the createNft function. Create the payload message and send it to the contract. The complete code of the CreateNft page is as follows:
import { useAccount, useProgram, useSendProgramTransaction } from "@gear-js/react-hooks";
import { Button, FileInput, Input } from "@gear-js/ui";
import { useState } from "react";
import { useNavigate } from "react-router-dom";

import { Program } from "@/api/sails/lib";
import { ADDRESS } from "@/consts";
import { useIPFS } from "@/context";

const NftInitialState = {
title: "",
description: "",

export function CreateNft() {
const [nftForm, setNftForm] = useState(NftInitialState);
const [image, setImage] = useState<File | null>();
const ipfs = useIPFS();
const { account } = useAccount();
const navigate = useNavigate();

const { data: program } = useProgram({ library: Program, id: ADDRESS.CONTRACT_ADDRESS });
const { sendTransactionAsync } = useSendProgramTransaction({
serviceName: "vnft",
functionName: "mint",

const { title, description } = nftForm;

const resetForm = () => {

const createNft = async (e: React.FormEvent<HTMLFormElement>) => {
if (!account?.decodedAddress) return;

if (image) {
try {
const cid = await ipfs.add(image);

const tokenMetadata = {
name: title,
media: cid?.cid.toString(),
reference: "",

await sendTransactionAsync({
args: [account.decodedAddress, tokenMetadata],

} catch (error) {

const handleInputChange = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
const { name, value } =;
setNftForm((prevForm) => ({ ...prevForm, [name]: value }));

return (
<h2>Create NFT</h2>
<form onSubmit={createNft}>
<Input label="Name" required name="title" value={title} onChange={handleInputChange} />
<Input label="Description" required name="description" value={description} onChange={handleInputChange} />
<FileInput label="Image" onChange={setImage} />
{image ? (
<div className="image-preview">
style={{ width: 200, height: 200 }}
) : (
<p>No image set for this NFT</p>
<Button type="submit" text="Create" />

The next section covers the creation of the Home page for reading and displaying the minted NFTs.

Home page

  1. Start writing the Home page:
import { useAccount, useProgram, useProgramQuery } from "@gear-js/react-hooks";

import { Program } from "@/api/sails/lib";
import { Loader } from "@/components";
import { ADDRESS } from "@/consts";

function Home() {
const { account } = useAccount();
const { data: program } = useProgram({ library: Program, id: ADDRESS.CONTRACT_ADDRESS });

// Read nfts from the contract
const { data: nfts, isFetched: isNftStateRead } = useProgramQuery({
serviceName: "vnft",
functionName: "tokensForOwner",
args: [account!.decodedAddress],

// Check whether the contract has tokens
const isAnyNft = !!nfts?.length;

return (
{isNftStateRead ? (
{isAnyNft && <ul>Display NFTs here</ul>}
{!isAnyNft && <h2>There are no NFTs at the moment</h2>}
) : (
<Loader />

export { Home };
  1. Create a component that will display the NFT:
mkdir src/pages/home/nft
touch src/pages/home/nft/Nft.tsx

Write the component:

import { Link } from "react-router-dom";

import { ADDRESS } from "@/consts";

type Props = {
id: string;
name: string;
media: string;

function NFT({ id, name, media }: Props) {
const to = `/nft/${id}`;
const src = `${ADDRESS.IPFS_GATEWAY_ADDRESS}/${media}`;
const text = `#${id}`;

return (
<Link to={to}>
<img src={src} alt={name} />

export { NFT };
  1. Write a function for retrieving all NFTs from the contract in the Home.tsx file:
import { NFT } from './nft/Nft';

function Home() {
const getNFTs = () =>
nfts?.map(([id, { name, media }]) => (
<li key={id}>
<NFT id={id} name={name} media={media} />

The whole code of the Home page:

import { useAccount, useProgram, useProgramQuery } from "@gear-js/react-hooks";

import { Program } from "@/api/sails/lib";
import { Loader } from "@/components";
import { ADDRESS } from "@/consts";

import { NFT } from "./nft/Nft";

function Home() {
const { data: program } = useProgram({
library: Program,
const { account } = useAccount();
const { data: nfts, isFetched: isNftStateRead } = useProgramQuery({
serviceName: "vnft",
functionName: "tokensForOwner",
args: [account!.decodedAddress],

const isAnyNft = Boolean(nfts?.length);

const getNFTs = () =>
nfts?.map(([id, { name, media }]) => (
<li key={id}>
<NFT id={id} name={name} media={media} />

return (
{isNftStateRead ? (
{isAnyNft && <ul>{getNFTs()}</ul>}
{!isAnyNft && <h2>There are no NFTs at the moment</h2>}
) : (
<Loader />

export { Home };