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Decentralized DNS

Decentralized Internet (DNS) demonstrates an on-chain server-less approach to websites and web applications hosting. Unlike server-based DNS built on centralized components and services, decentralized solutions running on the blockchain are characterized by boosted data security, enhanced data reconciliation, minimized system weak points, optimized resource allocation, and demonstrated great fault tolerance. It brings all the benefits of decentralization, such as censorship resistance, security resilience, and high transparency.

Briefly, the solution consists of a DNS program that is uploaded on-chain. It lists programs (smart contracts) that are also uploaded on-chain and registered in the DNS program as DNS records. A DNS record consists of a pair - the name of the program and its address on the network. Frontend applications and backend services can refer to the DNS contract to find the current address of programs.

This is particularly useful for programs that are frequently updated on the blockchain, leading to changes in their addresses. Consequently, developers often have to redeploy applications that interact with on-chain programs. With this new approach, anyone can create a DNS record and configure their application to access the DNS contract, using the name of the program to find its current address and then interact with it. In case of a program update on the network, the owner of the DNS record can simply update its address in the DNS without needing to redeploy frontend and backend services.

This solution can be extended by hosting programs that have their user interface residing on the IPFS. The DNS program in this case can store program IDs and meta info of their interfaces (name and program identifier).

The source code of the program is available on GitHub.

DNS Smart Contract Interface Overview

The DNS smart contract facilitates efficient management of DNS programs and their administrators, providing essential functions for adding, modifying, and querying program information, as well as handling related events.

A DNS contract has the following interface:

type ContractInfo = struct {
admins: vec actor_id, // List of administrator IDs for the program
program_id: actor_id, // Unique identifier for the program
registration_time: str, // Timestamp when the program was registered

service Dns {
// Adds a new admin to the specified program
AddAdminToProgram : (name: str, new_admin: actor_id) -> null;
// Registers a new program with the given name and ID
AddNewProgram : (name: str, program_id: actor_id) -> null;
// Changes the program ID for the specified program
ChangeProgramId : (name: str, new_program_id: actor_id) -> null;
// Deletes the smart contract instance
DeleteMe : () -> null;
// Deletes the specified program
DeleteProgram : (name: str) -> null;
// Removes an admin from the specified program
RemoveAdminFromProgram : (name: str, admin_to_remove: actor_id) -> null;

// Retrieves all registered programs and their info
query AllContracts : () -> vec struct { str, ContractInfo };
// Retrieves all actor IDs
query GetAllAddresses : () -> vec actor_id;
// Retrieves all program names
query GetAllNames : () -> vec str;
// Retrieves contract info for the specified program name
query GetContractInfoByName : (name: str) -> opt ContractInfo;
// Retrieves the program name for the specified program ID
query GetNameByProgramId : (program_id: actor_id) -> opt str;

events {
// Emitted when a new program is added
NewProgramAdded: struct { name: str, contract_info: ContractInfo };
// Emitted when a program ID is changed
ProgramIdChanged: struct { name: str, contract_info: ContractInfo };
// Emitted when a program is deleted
ProgramDeleted: struct { name: str };
// Emitted when an admin is added to a program
AdminAdded: struct { name: str, contract_info: ContractInfo };
// Emitted when an admin is removed from a program
AdminRemoved: struct { name: str, contract_info: ContractInfo };

Connect a dApp to the Decentralized DNS

Options for interacting with the DNS contract:

  1. Direct interaction with the DNS contract
  2. Deploying a custom indexer that will process the events of the DNS contract

Let's consider the first option in detail:

  1. Deploy the program on the network and obtain its ActorId.

  2. Use the AddNewProgram method of the DNS contract to register the program with its ActorId.

  3. In your dApp use sails-js to interact with the DNS program:

    1. Install sails-js
    2. Generate typescript code from the IDL file
    3. Create program instance using DNS program ID
    4. Use GetContractInfoByName query to get your programs ActorId

Get DNS records

Using, read the state of the DNS program to get records - all or filtered by name, ID, and pattern.