Tic-Tac-Toe Game
A classic and simple game in which the user competes against a program operating on the blockchain network.
Usually, the state of a program advances as the application is utilized. A distinctive feature of this game's program implementation is its capability to clean up its storage. In other words, as soon as the game session is completed and the results are recorded in the program, all unnecessary data structures are purged automatically through a special delayed message. Delayed messages represent one of the various unique features of the Gear Protocol.
The game example uses the EZ-Transactions package that simplifies blockchain interactions by enabling gasless and signless transactions. Anyone can use it to integrate into their dApp projects. For more details, visit the GitHub page.
The source code, developed using the Sails framework, is available on GitHub. The frontend application facilitates gameplay and interacts with the smart program. This article describes the program interface, data structure, basic functions and explains their purpose. It can be used as is or modified to suit your own scenarios.
Everyone can play the game via this link - Play Tic-Tac-Toe (VARA tokens are requred for gas fees).
How to run
- Build a program
Additional details regarding this matter can be located within the README directory of the program.
- Upload the program to the Vara Network Testnet
Initiate the process by uploading the bot program, followed by the subsequent upload of the main program. Further details regarding the process of program uploading can be located within the Getting Started section.
- Build and run user interface
More information about this can be found in the README directory of the frontend.
Implementation details
Program description
The program contains the following information
pub struct Storage {
admins: Vec<ActorId>,
current_games: HashMap<ActorId, GameInstance>,
config: Config,
messages_allowed: bool,
dns_info: Option<(ActorId, String)>,
- game adminscurrent_games
- game information for each playerconfig
- game configurationmessages_allowed
- access to playabilitydns_info
- optional field that stores the dDNS address and the program name.
Where GameInstance
is defined as follows:
pub struct GameInstance {
pub board: Vec<Option<Mark>>,
pub player_mark: Mark,
pub bot_mark: Mark,
pub last_time: u64,
pub game_over: bool,
pub game_result: Option<GameResult>,
pub enum Mark {
To initialize the game program, the game configuration and the optional DNS address and name must be provided.
pub async fn init(config: Config, dns_id_and_name: Option<(ActorId, String)>) -> Self {
unsafe {
STORAGE = Some(Storage {
admins: vec![msg::source()],
current_games: HashMap::with_capacity(10_000),
messages_allowed: true,
dns_info: dns_id_and_name.clone(),
if let Some((id, name)) = dns_id_and_name {
let request = [
(name, exec::program_id()).encode(),
msg::send_bytes_with_gas_for_reply(id, request, 5_000_000_000, 0, 0)
.expect("Error in sending message")
.expect("Error in `AddNewProgram`");
pub struct Config {
pub s_per_block: u64,
pub gas_to_remove_game: u64,
pub gas_to_delete_session: u64,
pub time_interval: u32,
pub turn_deadline_ms: u64,
pub minimum_session_duration_ms: u64,
- time per block in secondsgas_to_remove_game
- gas to delete a game using delayed messagesgas_to_delete_session
- gas to delete a game session using delayed messagestime_interval
- time after which the game should be deleted using delayed messagesturn_deadline_ms
- turnaround timeminimum_session_duration_ms
- minimum session duration
// user actions
pub fn start_game(&mut self, session_for_account: Option<ActorId>);
pub fn turn(&mut self, step: u8, session_for_account: Option<ActorId>);
pub fn skip(&mut self, session_for_account: Option<ActorId>);
// action for the program itself (for delayed messages)
pub fn remove_game_instance(&mut self, account: ActorId);
// admin actions
pub fn remove_game_instances(&mut self, accounts: Option<Vec<ActorId>>);
pub fn add_admin(&mut self, admin: ActorId);
pub fn remove_admin(&mut self, admin: ActorId);
pub fn update_config(
&mut self,
s_per_block: Option<u64>,
gas_to_remove_game: Option<u64>,
time_interval: Option<u32>,
turn_deadline_ms: Option<u64>,
gas_to_delete_session: Option<u64>,
pub fn allow_messages(&mut self, messages_allowed: bool);
pub async fn kill(&mut self, inheritor: ActorId);
pub enum Event {
GameFinished {
game: GameInstance,
player_address: ActorId,
GameStarted {
game: GameInstance,
MoveMade {
game: GameInstance,
Killed {
inheritor: ActorId,
Start Game
At the start of the game, the program checks its status and verifies whether the player has an unfinished game. The first move is determined randomly; if the bot is assigned the first move, it automatically plays in the center of the board.
pub fn start_game(
storage: &mut Storage,
sessions: &HashMap<ActorId, SessionData>,
msg_source: ActorId,
session_for_account: Option<ActorId>,
) -> Result<Event, GameError> {
check_allow_messages(storage, msg_source)?;
let player = get_player(
if let Some(current_game) = storage.current_games.get(&player) {
if !current_game.game_over {
return Err(GameError::GameIsAlreadyStarted);
let turn = random_turn(player);
let (player_mark, bot_mark) = if turn == 0 {
(Mark::O, Mark::X)
} else {
(Mark::X, Mark::O)
let mut game_instance = GameInstance {
board: vec![None; 9],
last_time: exec::block_timestamp(),
game_result: None,
game_over: false,
if bot_mark == Mark::X {
game_instance.board[4] = Some(Mark::X);
storage.current_games.insert(player, game_instance.clone());
Ok(Event::GameStarted {
game: game_instance,
fn check_allow_messages(storage: &Storage, msg_source: ActorId) -> Result<(), GameError> {
if !storage.messages_allowed && !storage.admins.contains(&msg_source) {
return Err(GameError::NotAllowedToSendMessages);
After successfully starting a new game, players can take their turn where a series of the following checks are performed:
pub fn turn(
storage: &mut Storage,
sessions: &HashMap<ActorId, SessionData>,
msg_source: ActorId,
step: u8,
session_for_account: Option<ActorId>,
) -> Result<Event, GameError> {
check_allow_messages(storage, msg_source)?;
let player = get_player(
let game_instance = storage
if game_instance.board[step as usize].is_some() {
return Err(GameError::CellIsAlreadyOccupied);
if game_instance.game_over {
return Err(GameError::GameIsAlreadyOver);
let block_timestamp = exec::block_timestamp();
if game_instance.last_time + storage.config.turn_deadline_ms < block_timestamp {
return Err(GameError::MissedYourTurn);
After successful game status checks, the player's move is saved and the time of the last move is updated
game_instance.board[step as usize] = Some(game_instance.player_mark);
game_instance.last_time = block_timestamp;
if let Some(mark) = get_result(&game_instance.board.clone()) {
if mark == game_instance.player_mark {
game_over(game_instance, &player, &storage.config, GameResult::Player);
} else {
game_over(game_instance, &player, &storage.config, GameResult::Bot);
return Ok(Event::GameFinished {
game: game_instance.clone(),
player_address: player,
// ..
If the game is over, a delayed message will be sent to delete the game from the program
fn game_over(
game_instance: &mut GameInstance,
player: &ActorId,
config: &Config,
result: GameResult,
) {
game_instance.game_over = true;
game_instance.game_result = Some(result);
send_delayed_message_to_remove_game(*player, config.gas_to_remove_game, config.time_interval);
fn send_delayed_message_to_remove_game(
account: ActorId,
gas_to_remove_game: u64,
time_interval: u32,
) {
let request = [
.expect("Error in sending message");
But if the game is not over, the turn passes to the bot and the same actions are performed
let bot_step = make_move(game_instance);
if let Some(step_num) = bot_step {
game_instance.board[step_num] = Some(game_instance.bot_mark);
if let Some(mark) = get_result(&game_instance.board.clone()) {
if mark == game_instance.player_mark {
} else {
game_over(game_instance, &msg_source, &storage.config, GameResult::Bot);
return Ok(Event::GameFinished {
game: game_instance.clone(),
player_address: player,
} else if !game_instance.board.contains(&None) || bot_step.is_none() {
return Ok(Event::GameFinished {
game: game_instance.clone(),
player_address: player,
Ok(Event::MoveMade {
game: game_instance.clone(),
If the player misses their turn, a Skip command must be sent to continue the game and allow the bot to make its move.
pub fn skip(
storage: &mut Storage,
sessions: &HashMap<ActorId, SessionData>,
msg_source: ActorId,
session_for_account: Option<ActorId>,
) -> Result<Event, GameError> {
check_allow_messages(storage, msg_source)?;
let player = get_player(
let game_instance = storage
if game_instance.game_over {
return Err(GameError::GameIsAlreadyOver);
let block_timestamp = exec::block_timestamp();
if game_instance.last_time + storage.config.turn_deadline_ms >= block_timestamp {
return Err(GameError::NotMissedTurnMakeMove);
let bot_step = make_move(game_instance);
game_instance.last_time = block_timestamp;
match bot_step {
Some(step_num) => {
game_instance.board[step_num] = Some(game_instance.bot_mark);
let win = get_result(&game_instance.board.clone());
if let Some(mark) = win {
if mark == game_instance.player_mark {
game_over(game_instance, &player, &storage.config, GameResult::Player);
} else {
game_over(game_instance, &player, &storage.config, GameResult::Bot);
return Ok(Event::GameFinished {
game: game_instance.clone(),
player_address: player,
} else if !game_instance.board.contains(&None) {
game_over(game_instance, &player, &storage.config, GameResult::Draw);
return Ok(Event::GameFinished {
game: game_instance.clone(),
player_address: player,
None => {
game_over(game_instance, &player, &storage.config, GameResult::Draw);
return Ok(Event::GameFinished {
game: game_instance.clone(),
player_address: player,
Ok(Event::MoveMade {
game: game_instance.clone(),
pub fn admins(&self) -> &'static Vec<ActorId> {
pub fn game(&self, player_id: ActorId) -> Option<GameInstance> {
pub fn all_games(&self) -> Vec<(ActorId, GameInstance)> {
pub fn config(&self) -> &'static Config {
pub fn messages_allowed(&self) -> &'static bool {
pub fn dns_info(&self) -> Option<(ActorId, String)> {
: Returns the list of game administrators. -
game(&self, player_id: ActorId)
: Returns the current game instance for a specific player, if it exists. -
: Returns a list of all ongoing game instances along with their associated player IDs. -
: Returns the game configuration settings. -
: Indicates whether messages are allowed in the current game state. -
: Returns the optional dDNS information, including the dDNS address and program name, if available.
Source code
The source code of this example of Tic-Tac-Toe Game program and the example of an implementation of its testing is available on gear-foundation/dapp/contracts/tic-tac-toe.
See also an example of the smart contract testing implementation based on gtest
: gear-foundation/dapps/contracts/tic-tac-toe/tests.
For more details about testing programs written on Gear, refer to the Program Testing article.