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Testing with gclient

gclient is intended to be used as a tool for testing Vara programs with a real blockchain network. It allows sending extrinsics and RPCs by connecting to the network. gclient is recommended for end-to-end testing to ensure the program works as expected in the real blockchain world.

It is essential to note that testing with gclient requires a running node as the second part of the test suite. gclient interacts with the node over the WebSocket protocol. Depending on the testing purpose, gclient can communicate with either a local or a remote node. Using a local node in developer mode is the best choice for initial debugging and continuous integration.

Testing with gclient is slower than gtest and produces more build artifacts, making it better suited as the final step in quality control. However, gclient provides the most accurate test results.

Import gclient Library

To use the gclient library, import it into the Cargo.toml file in the [dev-dependencies] block. Also, add some external crates that are used together with gclient:

name = "first-gear-app"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Your Name"]
edition = "2021"

gstd = { git = "", tag = "v1.1.1", features = ["debug"] }

gear-wasm-builder = { git = "", tag = "v1.1.1" }

gclient = { git = "", tag = "v1.1.1" }
tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] }

Running the Node

The best way is to download the latest node binary for your operating system from Then unpack the package and run the node. Here and below, the node is assumed to be running in developer mode.


curl | tar xJ


Linux x86-64: gear-v1.1.1-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz

You can try to run the node:

❯ ./gear --version
gear 1.1.1-33ee05d5aab

Open the second terminal window and run tests using cargo as described in the previous section.

Simple Example

Add an end-to-end test to the first-gear-app introduced in the Getting Started section.

Add the tests directory next to the src directory and create the file in it.

└── first-gear-app
├── Cargo.toml
├── src
│ └──
└── tests

use gclient::{EventProcessor, GearApi, Result};

const WASM_PATH: &str = "./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/first_gear_app.opt.wasm";

async fn test_example() -> Result<()> {
// Create API instance
let api = GearApi::dev().await?;

// Subscribe to events
let mut listener = api.subscribe().await?;

// Check that blocks are still running

// Calculate gas amount needed for initialization
let gas_info = api

// Upload and init the program
let (message_id, program_id, _hash) = api


let payload = b"PING".to_vec();

// Calculate gas amount needed for handling the message
let gas_info = api
.calculate_handle_gas(None, program_id, payload.clone(), 0, true)

// Send the PING message
let (message_id, _hash) = api
.send_message_bytes(program_id, payload, gas_info.min_limit, 0)



Run the following command and wait for all tests to be green:

cargo test --release -- --include-ignored

It is recommended to mark tests with gclient with the #[ignore] attribute to separate their slow execution from the rest. To execute ignored tests with Cargo, add the --include-ignored flag after a double dash (--) as shown above.

More Details About gclient

Please refer to the gclient docs for more information about its capabilities and use cases.