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Vara React-hooks

Hooks allow functional components to have access to programs running on Vara network and significantly simplify the development of front-end applications.

For example, NFT Marketplace example demonstrates the creation of a React application that connects to an NFT smart contract running on the blockchain.


npm install @gear-js/react-hooks


yarn add @gear-js/react-hooks

Getting started

Simple as it is, here's a quick example:

import { useReadFullState } from '@gear-js/react-hooks';
import { useMetadata } from './use-metadata'

import meta from 'assets/meta/meta.txt';

function State() {
const programId = '0x01';
const { metadata } = useMetadata(meta);

const { state } = useReadFullState(programId, meta);

return <div>{JSON.stringify(state)}</div>;

export { State };



In order for these hooks to work, the application must be wrapped in the appropriate Providers. As it is presented in the example. If you use create-gear-app, then all the necessary environment has already been provided.


useApi provides access to the Vara API connected to the selected RPC-node.

import { useApi } from '@gear-js/react-hooks';

const { api, isApiReady } = useApi();


useAccount provides interaction with Polkadot-js extension API, allows to manage accounts from it (for example to sign transactions).

import { useAccount } from '@gear-js/react-hooks';

const { account, isAccountReady } = useAccount();


useAlert shows any alert in the application context.

import { useAlert } from '@gear-js/react-hooks';

const alert = useAlert();

// type?: 'info' | 'error' | 'loading' | 'success';
alert.success('success message')


This hook is auxiliary and it is not pre-installed in the react-hook library. useMetadata allows converting the program's metadata (.txt file) into the required format.

import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import {
} from '@gear-js/api';
import { Buffer } from 'buffer';

export const useMetadata = (source: RequestInfo | URL) => {
const [data, setData] = useState<ProgramMetadata>();

useEffect(() => {
.then((res) => res.text())
.then((raw) => getProgramMetadata(`0x${raw}`))
.then((meta) => setData(meta));
}, [source]);

return { metadata: data };


This hook is auxiliary and it is not pre-installed in the react-hook library. useWasmMetadata allows getting Buffer array from the program meta.wasm. Buffer is required always when using custom functions to query specific parts of the program State.

import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { Buffer } from 'buffer';

export const useWasmMetadata = (source: RequestInfo | URL) => {

const [data, setData] = useState<Buffer>();

useEffect(() => {
if (source) {
.then((response) => response.arrayBuffer())
.then((array) => Buffer.from(array))
.then((buffer) => setData(buffer))
.catch(({ message }: Error) => console.error(`Fetch error: ${message}`));
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
}, [source]);

return { buffer: data };


useSendMessage allows sending messages to the program.

import { useSendMessage } from '@gear-js/react-hooks';
import { useMetadata } from './useMetadata';
import meta from 'assets/meta/meta.txt';

function sendMessage() {
const programId = '0x01';
const { metadata } = useMetadata(meta);

return useSendMessage(programId, metadata);


useReadFullState allows reading full program State.

import { useReadFullState } from '@gear-js/react-hooks';
import { useMetadata } from './useMetadata';
import meta from 'assets/meta/meta.txt';

function readFullState() {
const programId = '0x01';
const { metadata } = useMetadata(meta);

const { state } = useReadFullState(programId, metadata);

return state;


useReadWasmState allows reading program State using specific functions.

import { useReadWasmState } from '@gear-js/react-hooks';
import { useWasmMetadata } from './useMetadata';
import stateMetaWasm from 'assets/wasm/state.meta.wasm';

function useProgramState<T>(functionName: string, payload?: any) {
const programId = '0x01';
const { buffer } = useWasmMetadata(stateMetaWasm);

return useReadWasmState<T>(

function firstState() {
const payload = 'some_payload'
const { state } = useProgramState('foo_1', payload);
return state;

function secondState() {
// if program state function doesn't have initial payload
const { state } = useProgramState('foo_2', null);
return state;


useCreateHandler provides a tool for uploading the Vara program to the chain.

import { useCreateHandler } from '@gear-js/react-hooks';
import meta from 'assets/meta/meta.txt';
import { useMetadata } from './useMetadata';

export function useCreateProgram(onSuccess: (programId: Hex) => void) {
const codeHash = '0x01';
const { metadata } = useMetadata(meta);
const createProgram = useCreateHandler(codeHash, meta);

return (payload) => createProgram(payload, { onSuccess });