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P2P streaming


P2P streaming is an example of a decentralized application, akin to the widely popular streaming applications in the Web2 realm. Users of this application can connect and watch the live stream of one or more users. A Web2 equivalent could be the Twitch platform.

In this example of the application, a user creates a schedule for an upcoming stream broadcast at a designated time in advance. Other users can view a list of scheduled streams and subscribe to one or more. At the appointed time, the streamer commences the broadcast, and other users join it.

The application comprises three primary components:

  • On-chain program: This component is responsible for storing the stream schedule and managing user subscriptions (GitHub).
  • Frontend: This component serves as the application's user interface (GitHub)
  • Signaling server: This component is responsible for establishing peer-to-peer (P2P) connections between the streamer and viewers (GitHub).

This article details the program interface, data structure, fundamental functions, and their intended purposes. It can be used as is or customized to suit individual scenarios.

Also, anyone can test the application using this link: P2P Streaming (VARA tokens are requred for gas fees).

How to run​

  1. βš’οΈ Build a program: For detailed instructions on this step, please refer to the README directory within the program's codebase.

  2. πŸ—οΈ Upload the program to the Vara Network Testnet: For further guidance on program uploading, please visit the Getting Started section.

  3. πŸ”€ Build and run the backend service: For more information on this step, please consult the README file within the codebase of the backend service.

  4. πŸ–₯️ Build and run user interface: For more information on this step, please consult the README directory within the frontend codebase.

Implementation details​

The P2P streaming program contains the following information:

pub struct Program {
pub streams: BTreeMap<String, Stream>,
pub users: BTreeMap<ActorId, Profile>,
  • streams - contains a pair of values such as identifier and stream information
  • users - contains a pair of values such as user address and profile information

Π‘onsider in detail the information about the Stream

pub struct Stream {
pub broadcaster: ActorId,
pub start_time: u64,
pub end_time: u64,
pub title: String,
pub img_link: String,
pub description: Option<String>,
pub watchers: Vec<ActorId>,
  • broadcaster - the address of the creator of the stream
  • start_time - stream start time
  • end_time - stream end time
  • title - streaming title
  • img_link - link to the stream banner image
  • description - streaming description

Profile information is as follows:

pub struct Profile {
pub name: Option<String>,
pub surname: Option<String>,
pub img_link: Option<String>,
pub stream_ids: Vec<String>,
pub subscribers: Vec<ActorId>,
pub subscriptions: Vec<Subscription>,
  • name - user name
  • surname - user surname
  • img_link - user logo link
  • stream_ids - list of all stream identifiers of the user
  • subscribers - list of all subscribers of a user
  • subscriptions - list of all subscribed users


The streaming program contains the following actions:

pub enum Action {
NewStream {
title: String,
description: Option<String>,
start_time: u64,
end_time: u64,
img_link: String,
DeleteStream {
stream_id: String,
EditStream {
stream_id: String,
start_time: Option<u64>,
end_time: Option<u64>,
title: Option<String>,
img_link: Option<String>,
description: Option<String>,
Subscribe {
account_id: ActorId,
EditProfile {
name: Option<String>,
surname: Option<String>,
img_link: Option<String>,


pub enum Event {
StreamIsScheduled { id: String },
StreamDeleted { id: String },


Before starting the stream, it is necessary to register a profile, this can be done using the Action::EditProfile (this action also allows to edit the profile )

Action::EditProfile {
} => {
.and_modify(|profile| { = name.clone();
profile.surname = surname.clone();
profile.img_link = img_link.clone();
.or_insert_with(|| Profile {
stream_ids: Vec::new(),
subscribers: Vec::new(),
subscriptions: Vec::new(),

msg::reply(Event::ProfileEdited, 0).expect("Unable to send reply");

After successfully registering a profile, a stream can be scheduled. In order to create a stream it is necessary to enter the following information: title name, stream description, start time, end time and stream picture link

Action::NewStream {
} => {
let stream_id = exec::block_timestamp().to_string() + &title;
let msg_src = msg::source();
if let Some(profile) = program.users.get_mut(&msg_src) {
} else {
panic!("Account is no registered");
Stream {
broadcaster: msg_src,
msg::reply(Event::StreamIsScheduled { id: stream_id }, 0)
.expect("Unable to send reply");

The unique stream identifier is composed of the time stamp of the current block and the title name. After successful stream creation the program sends a reply where the identifier is specified.

This program also allows deleting information about a scheduled stream or editing it using the stream id.

In case of stream deletion, a number of checks are performed to ensure that only the stream creator can delete the stream and the stream with the given identifier exists.

Action::DeleteStream { stream_id } => {
let msg_src = msg::source();
if let Some(profile) = program.users.get_mut(&msg_src) {
if let Some(index) = profile.stream_ids.iter().position(|x| *x == stream_id) {
} else {
panic!("Id is not exist");
} else {
panic!("Account is no registered");

if let Some(stream) = program.streams.get(&stream_id) {
if stream.broadcaster == msg_src {
} else {
panic!("You are not broadcaster");
} else {
panic!("Id is not exist");

msg::reply(Event::StreamDeleted { id: stream_id }, 0)
.expect("Unable to send reply");

Stream data fields can be modified selectively and only the creator of the stream can do that.

Action::EditStream {
} => {
let msg_src = msg::source();

if let Some(stream) = program.streams.get_mut(&stream_id) {
if stream.broadcaster == msg_src {
if let Some(start_time) = start_time {
stream.start_time = start_time;
if let Some(end_time) = end_time {
stream.end_time = end_time;
if let Some(title) = title {
stream.title = title;
if let Some(img_link) = img_link {
stream.img_link = img_link;
stream.description = description;
} else {
panic!("You are not broadcaster");
} else {
panic!("Id is not exist");

msg::reply(Event::StreamEdited, 0).expect("Unable to send reply");

To subscribe to another account it is necessary to send a message Action::Subscribe { account_id } to the program. Subscription may fail if registration has not been completed or the specified account does not exist in the registered accounts

Action::Subscribe { account_id } => {
if program.users.get(&account_id).is_none() {
panic!("The user is not found");

let msg_src = msg::source();

if program.users.get(&msg_src).is_none() {
panic!("You are not registered");

.and_modify(|profile| profile.subscribers.push(msg_src));

program.users.entry(msg_src).and_modify(|profile| {
profile.subscriptions.push(Subscription {
sub_date: exec::block_timestamp(),

msg::reply(Event::Subscribed, 0).expect("Unable to send reply");

Program metadata and state​

Metadata interface description:

pub struct ProgramMetadata;

impl Metadata for ProgramMetadata {
type Init = ();
type Handle = InOut<Action, Event>;
type Reply = ();
type Others = ();
type Signal = ();
type State = Out<State>;

To display the program state information, the state() function is used:

extern fn state() {
let program = unsafe { PROGRAM.take().expect("Unexpected error in taking state") };
msg::reply::<State>(program.into(), 0).expect("Failed to share state");

Source code​

The source code of this example of P2P streaming program and the example of an implementation of its testing is available on gear-foundation/dapp/contracts/w3bstreaming.

See also an example of the program testing implementation based on gtest: gear-foundation/dapps/w3bstreaming/tests.

For more details about testing programs written on Vara, refer to the Program Testing article.