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Deprecation Notice

This CLI tool is deprecated and will be removed in the future.

Please use getProgramMetadata from @gear-js/api instead as described here.

Vara Meta CLI

CLI tool to encode/decode payloads and work with .meta.wasm files.


npm install -g @gear-js/gear-meta


yarn global add @gear-js/gear-meta


Full list of commands

gear-meta --help

Available commands

decode - Decode payload from hex

encode - Encode payload to hex

meta - Display metadata from .meta.wasm

type - Display type structure for particular type from .meta.wasm

You can simply run these commands and you will be prompted to enter the necessary data. Or you can specify data through options:

-t, --type - Type to encode or decode the payload. If it is not specified you can select it later

-m, --meta - Path to .meta.wasm file with program's metadata

-o --output - Output JSON file. If it doesn't exist it will be created

-j --payloadFromJson - If need to take the payload from json

All of these options are available for decode and encode commands -o --output option is available for meta command -m, --meta option is available for type command


gear-meta encode '{"amount": 8, "currency": "GRT"}' -t init_input -m ./path/to/demo_meta.meta.wasm

# Output:
# Result:
# 0x080c475254
gear-meta decode '0x080c475254' -t init_input -m ./path/to/demo_meta.meta.wasm

# Output:
# Result:
# { amount: '8', currency: 'GRT' }
gear-meta type handle_input -m ./path/to/demo_meta.meta.wasm

# Output:
# TypeName: MessageIn
# { id: { decimal: 'u64', hex: 'Bytes' } }
gear-meta meta ./path/to/demo_meta.meta.wasm

# Output:
# Result:
# {
# types: '0x50000824646...0000023800',
# init_input: 'MessageInitIn',
# init_output: 'MessageInitOut',
# async_init_input: 'MessageInitAsyncIn',
# async_init_output: 'MessageInitAsyncOut',
# handle_input: 'MessageIn',
# handle_output: 'MessageOut',
# async_handle_input: 'MessageHandleAsyncIn',
# async_handle_output: 'MessageHandleAsyncOut',
# title: 'Example program with metadata',
# meta_state_input: 'Option<Id>',
# meta_state_output: 'Vec<Wallet>',
# meta_state: undefined
# }