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Events are generated for certain operations during execution. The following sections describe events that are part of the default Gear Protocol's runtime.

To subscribe to all events:

const unsub = await => {
// Unsubscribe

Events Types


Summary: When a user successfully sends a message to a program and it gets added to the message queue.

MessageQueued {
/// Generated id of the message.
id: MessageId,
/// Account id of the source of the message.
source: T::AccountId,
/// Program id, who is the message's destination.
destination: ProgramId,
/// Entry point for processing of the message.
/// On the sending stage, the processing function
/// of the program is always known.
entry: MessageEntry,


Summary: When someone has sent a message to the user.

UserMessageSent {
/// Message sent.
message: UserMessage,
/// Block number of expiration from `Mailbox`.
/// Equals `Some(_)` with block number when message
/// will be removed from `Mailbox` due to some
/// reasons (see #642, #646 and #1010).
/// Equals `None` if message wasn't inserted to
/// `Mailbox` and appears as only `Event`.
expiration: Option<T::BlockNumber>,


Summary: When a message has been marked as "read" and it has been removed from the Mailbox. This event only affects messages, which were already prior inserted into the Mailbox.

UserMessageRead {
/// Id of the message read.
id: MessageId,
/// The reason for the reading (removal from `Mailbox`).
/// NOTE: See more docs about reasons at `gear_common::event`.
reason: UserMessageReadReason,


Summary: The result of when a message is processed within the block.

MessagesDispatched {
/// Total amount of messages removed from message queue.
total: MessengerCapacityOf<T>,
/// Execution statuses of the messages, which were already known
/// by `Event::MessageQueued` (sent from user to program).
statuses: BTreeMap<MessageId, DispatchStatus>,
/// Ids of programs, which state changed during queue processing.
state_changes: BTreeSet<ProgramId>,


Summary: When a message's execution has been delayed and it has been added to the waitlist.

MessageWaited {
/// Id of the message waited.
id: MessageId,
/// Origin message id, which started messaging chain with programs,
/// where currently waited message was created.
/// Used to identify by the user that this message associated
/// with him and the concrete initial message.
origin: Option<GasNodeId<MessageId, ReservationId>>,
/// The reason of the waiting (addition to `Waitlist`).
/// NOTE: See more docs about reasons at `gear_common::event`.
reason: MessageWaitedReason,
/// Block number of expiration from `Waitlist`.
/// Equals block number when message will be removed from `Waitlist`
/// due to some reasons (see #642, #646 and #1010).
expiration: T::BlockNumber,


Summary: When a message is ready to continue its execution and has been removed from the Waitlist.

MessageWoken {
/// Id of the message woken.
id: MessageId,
/// The reason of the waking (removal from `Waitlist`).
/// NOTE: See more docs about reasons at `gear_common::event`.
reason: MessageWokenReason,


Summary: When a program's code has been altered.

CodeChanged {
/// Id of the code affected.
id: CodeId,
/// Change applied on code with current id.
/// NOTE: See more docs about change kinds at `gear_common::event`.
change: CodeChangeKind<T::BlockNumber>,


Summary: Any data related to program changed.

ProgramChanged {
/// Id of the program affected.
id: ProgramId,
/// Change applied on program with current id.
/// NOTE: See more docs about change kinds at `gear_common::event`.
change: ProgramChangeKind<T::BlockNumber>,


Summary: Program resume session has been started.

ProgramResumeSessionStarted {
/// Id of the session.
session_id: SessionId,
/// Owner of the session.
account_id: T::AccountId,
/// Id of the program affected.
program_id: ProgramId,
/// Block number when the session will be removed if not finished.
session_end_block: T::BlockNumber

Check what the event is => {
.filter(({ event }) =>
.forEach(({ event: { data } }) => {

.filter(({ event }) =>
.forEach(({ event: { data } }) => {

Subscribe to specific events

Subscribe to messages sent from a program

const unsub = api.gearEvents.subscribeToGearEvent(
data: {
message: { id, source, destination, payload, value, reply },
}) => {
messageId: ${id.toHex()}
source: ${source.toHex()}
payload: ${payload.toHuman()}
// Unsubscribe

Subscribe to messages intended for a program

const unsub = api.gearEvents.subscribeToGearEvent(
({ data: { id, source, destination, entry } }) => {
messageId: id.toHex(),
programId: destination.toHex(),
userId: source.toHex(),
entry: entry.isInit
? entry.asInit
: entry.isHandle
? entry.asHandle
: entry.asReply,
// Unsubscribe

Subscribe to Transfer events

const unsub = await api.gearEvents.subscribeToTransferEvents(
({ data: { from, to, amount } }) => {
Transfer balance:
from: ${from.toHex()}
to: ${to.toHex()}
amount: ${+amount.toString()}
// Unsubscribe

Subscribe to new blocks

const unsub = await api.gearEvents.subscribeToNewBlocks((header) => {
`New block with number: ${header.number.toNumber()} and hash: ${header.hash.toHex()}`,
// Unsubscribe